AS PER THE RESOLUTION #003 PROPOSED AND PASSED ON THE 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2003: Our AF3 community is a small one and we should respect and support each other at all times. Obey and respect the the senior members of your squad. Respect the senior members of other squads. Each senior member of our squads has earned thier rank and they deserve respect from newer members no matter what squad they are in. You in return will be respected. Respect your opponents they to are there to have fun and support thier squad and dont need to be degraded in any fashion, kibitzing is one thing but degrading talk ruins thier attempt at having fun. Lets face it we all want to win in a game but lets not do it at the expense of ruining the game for others. If you suspect someone of cheating, report it to command and they will handle it in conjunction with the other squad commanders. Do not complain or accuse others of cheating in any of the servers whether it's during a match, scrimmage or a friendly game. If a Commander from your squad or any squad isn't there to address the issue, keep it to yourself and disscuse it with one of the senior members as soon as possible via e-mail, rw, or yahoo. Be polite at all times, even when accused of cheating, airing our differrences on a public server or in a match is not acceptable Remember we represent our our squads and our squads expect the best from all its members. Like I have stated in the past I am here to have fun and provide the same experience to my squad. Our squad members are watching us, and expect quality leadership. They play for enjoyment, not harrassment. 1) Remember you are an advertisement for your squad and the game in general; you will be judged by your behavior while playing on public servers. 2) When holding an active position in a squad, you have the responsibility to perform in squad related activities, and communicate to your squad commanders. 3) No Cheating , in any way , shape or form. Ghosting and speeders included. Any member cheating will be dismissed. 4) Harassment of another squad member, or any player is unnecessary, and will be grounds for dismissal from your squad, and or this alliance. 5) The use of profanity will not be tolerated, and is grounds for dismissal. 6) Impersonation of another player is extremely disrespectful behavior. Any member discovered to have been impersonating will be promptly dismissed. 7) Base rape / spawn kills: -A) When playing in OPPOSING FORCES or CROSSFIRE - When a game starts, you may, using your first tank life, get as many kills as you can, in any way possible, including an initial push to, and through the enemy base as long as you are visible. After you have suffered your first death, you must refrain from further base rape or spawn kills. -B) When in CTF - Following an enemy tank which is carrying your teams flag, you may follow him into and as far as his base flag pole. But spawning enemy tanks are not viable targets. -C) When in a U.S.A. sanctioned match - Squad vs Squad, Intra-Squad, and All Squad TDM and DM password protected matches are considered tournaments of skill. When a game starts, you may, using your first tank life, get as many kills as you can, in any way possible, including an initial push to, and through the enemy base as long as you are visible. After you have suffered your first death, you must refrain from further base rape or spawn kills. 8).No base rape or spawn kills will be acceptable at any time other than the above mentioned, artical 7-c. 9)Any player making excuses for his/her breaking U.S.A. rules, ghosting, or just plain lack of skills, may be dismissed immediately. 10) You must be a loyal members of you squad / clan, and only them.